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Showing posts from 2016

Difference Between Parallel & Serial Communication

The Difference Between Parallel & Serial Communication Communication between two machines requires a transfer of signal from an output to an input. There needs to be a sender and receiver of the signal for the complete communication process to take place. Serial and parallel communications are both ways of transferring data over networks. Both systems have a unique way of operating, with differences between the two ranging from the mode of relaying signals to the level of connectivity they require. DATA TRANSFER A serial communication device transfers data in bits in the same direction. A parallel communication device sends data in multiple bits to the same direction. In serial communication a word of eight bits in length is sent sequentially, and is received after all eight bits are sent, one at a time. The bits are then assembled back into one byte which is the initial communication. In parallel communication the eight bits are transferred in corresponding 8 channels, every ch...

Music, Copyright & Youtube: Fair Use, Public Domain & DMCA

Question regarding Music, Copyright & Youtube: Fair Use, Public Domain & DMCA The aim of this article is to help you better understand the copyright principles, such as fair use, public domain and creative commons licensing, that you need to be aware of when including music in your YouTube videos. At the end of the page, there are also a few links regarding where to find music that you can legally use as background music in your video. 1.What parts of the song are copyrighted? The composition (including the music and any lyrics) and recording are protected by copyright. The purpose of copyright is to try to ensure people responsible for making the music can earn a living from their work. It is important to note that the composition and recording are covered by separate copyrights, so even if you were to change the words to the song and record all the instruments yourself, the music (melody, harmony and basic arrangement) is still protected by copyright. Things that might br...

Bus Structure Of 8085 Microprocessor

Bus Structure Of 8085 Microprocessor There are three buses in Microprocessor: 1.Address Bus 2.Data Bus 3.Control Bus 1.Address Bus:-Genearlly, Microprocessor has 16 bit address bus. The bus over which the CPU sends out the address of the memory location is known as Address bus. The address bus carries the address of memory location to be written or to be read from. The address bus is unidirectional. It means bits flowing occurs only in one direction, only from microprocessor to peripheral devices. We can find that how much memory location it can using the formula 2^N. where N is the number of bits used for address lines. here,    2^16 = 65536bytes or 64Kb So we can say that it can access upto 64 kb memory location. Q.>If a processor has 4 GB memory then how many address lines are required to access this memory? Ans: 4GB= 4 * 1GB          4 = 2^2             ...

Flag Register & Instruction Organization

Flag Register & Instruction Organization FLAG REGISTER The Status Flags of the 8080 and 8085 are single bits which indicate the logical conditions that existed as a result of the execution of the instruction just completed. This allows instructions following to act accordingly, such as a branch as a result of two values comparing equal. The flags are: ZERO FLAG: This flag is set to a 1 by the instruction just ending if the A Register contains a result of all 0’s. Besides the obvious mathematical applications, this is useful in determining equality in a compare operation (a value subtracted from a second value with an answer of 0), or in logical AND or OR operations where the result left the A Register with no bit set to a 1 (the AND was not satisfied). If any bits were left set to a 1 in the A Register, the flag will be reset to a 0 condition. SIGN FLAG: This flag is set to a 1 by the instruction just ending if the leftmost, or highest order, bit of the A Register is set t...

Addressing Modes in 8085

Addressing Modes in 8085 There are five addressing modes in 8085. 1. Immediate Addressing Mode: - An immediate is transferred directly to the register. Eg: - MVI A, 30H (30H is copied into the register A)           MVI B,40H(40H is copied into the register B). 2. Register Addressing Mode: - Data is copied from one register to another register. Eg: - MOV B, A (the content of A is copied into the register B)           MOV A, C (the content of C is copied into the register A). 3. Direct Addressing Mode: - Data is directly copied from the given address to the register. Eg: - LDA 3000H (The content at the location 3000H is copied to the register A). 4. Indirect Addressing Mode: - The data is transferred from the address pointed by the data in a register to other register. Eg: - MOV A, M (data is transferred from the memory location pointed by the regiser to the accumulator). 5.Implied Addres...

C Programming: Guess The Number

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note:- This game is tested on on CodeBlocks IDE and DevC++ IDE on Windows OS. To run this game , use of CodeBlocks IDE or DevC++ IDE (on Windows OS) is recommended. Using other IDE might generate errors. (Windows OS is necessary, running Game on other OS might not work) --------------------------------------------------------------------------    #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> int main(void) {     srand(time(NULL));     int r = rand() % 10 + 1;     int correct = 0;     int guess;     int counter = 0;     printf("Guess my number! ");     do {         scanf("%d", &guess);         if (guess == r) {           ...

C Programming: Hangman

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note:- This game is tested on on CodeBlocks IDE and DevC++ IDE on Windows OS. To run this game , use of CodeBlocks IDE or DevC++ IDE (on Windows OS) is recommended. Using other IDE might generate errors. (Windows OS is necessary, running Game on other OS might not work) --------------------------------------------------------------------------        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hangman game needs 'words.txt' file to run. You need to make a new file 'words.txt' in root folder using Text Editor and copy the following text (line) in it.            The text (line) is written below:- abbey|abruptly|affix|askew|axiom|azure|bagpipes|bandwagon|banjo|bayou|bikini|blitz|bookworm|boxcar|boxful|buckaroo|buffalo|buffoon|cobweb|croquet|daiquiri|disavow|duplex|dwarves|equip|exodus No...


------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note:- This game is tested on on CodeBlocks IDE and DevC++ IDE on Windows OS. To run this game , use of CodeBlocks IDE or DevC++ IDE (on Windows OS) is recommended. Using other IDE might generate errors. (Windows OS is necessary, running Game on other OS might not work) --------------------------------------------------------------------------    #include<stdio.h>  #include<stdlib.h>                                       void welcome(); void rand_mines(char msweep[12][12]); void printmatrix(char msweep[12][12],int r,char user_chart[12][12]); int process(char msweep[12][12],int r,int c,char user_chart[12][12]); int main() {           ...

C Programming : Tic Tac Toe

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note:- This game is tested on on CodeBlocks IDE and DevC++ IDE on Windows OS. To run this game , use of CodeBlocks IDE or DevC++ IDE (on Windows OS) is recommended. Using other IDE might generate errors. (Windows OS is necessary, running Game on other OS might not work) --------------------------------------------------------------------------        #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void Board(); void PlayerX(); void PlayerO(); void Player_win(); void check(); int win=0,wrong_X=0,wrong_O=0,chk=0; char name_X[30]; char name_O[30]; int pos_for_X[3][3]; int pos_for_O[3][3]; int pos_marked[3][3]; int main() { int i,ch,j; char ans; do { printf("\n\t\t\t\tTIC TAC TOE"); printf("\n\t\t\t\t"); for(i=1;i<=11;i++) { printf("*"); } printf("\n1.Start The Game"); ...